Minerva Scholarship Fund at Leiden University

Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation

Latest from Leiden University in Holland is that the applications are now open for the Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation (MSF) 2024-2025. This scholarship is available for all international students who want to study at Leiden University. The Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation is a registered charity (ANBI) according to the Dutch income tax laws. This scholarship is available for students currently enrolled in Bachelor and Masters programs at the university. You have to submit a project for approval from a selection committee, project can be in the form of study, internship or research.

The Minerva Scholarship Fund was established by the Minerva Scholarship Fund Foundation (MSF) in 2009 and the MSF is an initiative by Leiden Student Association. This scholarship program aims to support outstanding students from all disciplines in pursuing study and research projects abroad. By providing financial assistance, the Minerva Scholarship Fund give opportunity deserving students to show there talent.

Leiden University is a public research institute in Netherlands and it was established in 1575. It is the oldest university in Netherlands. University offers variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Dutch and English language. Leiden University is ranked 141 in QS World University Rankings. University has total student enrollment of 33,474 and around 3582 are international students from 120 countries.

Scholarship Details

Host CountryItaly
Host InstituteLeiden University
Eligible countriesAll
Degree offerBachelors, Masters
ScholarshipPartial Funded
Deadline15 November and 15 April

Eligible Programs:

The Minerva Scholarship Fund is open to students from various faculties at Leiden University. The eligible programs include:

  • Faculty of Archaeology
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
  • Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Faculty of Science
  • Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON)

Eligibility Criteria:

To be considered for the Minerva Scholarship, applicants must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be currently registered as Bachelor’s or Master’s students at Leiden University.
  • The scholarship application should be related to an exceptional or prestigious study or research project abroad.
  • The project should fall into one of the following categories: internship, study, or research.
  • PhD tracks and complete Master’s programs are not eligible for this scholarship.
  • Applicants should not be members of L.S.V. Minerva to apply for the scholarship.

Benefits of the Minerva Scholarship Fund:

Selected recipients of the Minerva Scholarship Fund receive a range of benefits to support their study or research projects abroad. Here are the key benefits of the scholarship program:

  • The scholarship offers an amount between €900 and €2000 to cover research costs, international travel expenses, and living costs associated with the project.

Required Documents

You will need following documents to apply for Minerva Scholarship Fund,

  •     Explanation of the project
  •     Budget
  •     Resume 
  •     Motivation letter
  •     List of grades
  •     At least one recommendation letter 

Application Deadline:

The Minerva Scholarship Fund has two application rounds per year. The deadlines for these rounds are on April 15th and November 15th.

How to Apply

  • Download the application form.
  • Complete the form.
  • Check you have attached all the required documents.
  • You also have to submit this google form
  • Submit your complete application dossier to the address provided, before the deadline.

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