Rotary Youth Exchange Program

Rotary Youth Exchange Program

Applications are open for Rotary Youth Exchange program, it is a unique opportunity for students to experience cultural immersion and develop lifelong leadership skills. The program is designed for students aged 15-19 who are leaders in their schools and communities, and who are interested in learning a new language, discovering another culture, and becoming global citizens. Every year, talented and curious young people embark on life-changing journeys through the fellowship. 

The exchange allows students to truly become global citizens by living abroad for an academic year. They stay with multiple host families, to experience the local culture, learn a new language, and attend school alongside peers in another country. Through everyday interactions, exchanges at the grassroots level promote peace and fellowship between nations. Rotary Youth Exchange Program is a fully funded opportunity which covers every expense of the students.

By staying with other families and meeting new friends students experience the diverse perspectives and ways of life. Rotary hopes to grow the next generation of leaders and hopes to make the world a peaceful place. Students return home as young diplomats with a better understanding of other country and its culture. Many remain active volunteers with their local Rotary clubs long after their exchange ends. In this way, the program leaves a lasting legacy of cultural understanding and international goodwill.

Young students can also apply for exchange programs like Asia Kakehashi Exchange Program in Japan

Program Details

Host CountryWorldwide
ProgramRotary Youth Exchange Program
Eligible Country100+ Countries
Eligible programSecondary School Education
Age15 to 19 years
Duration3 Months to 1 Year
DeadlineDifferent For Each Country

Eligibility Criteria for Rotary Youth Exchange:

Following are the requirements for the program,

  • Candidates must be ages 15-19 at the time of application and not older than 18 years and 6 months at the start of their exchange.
  • Applicants should be knowledgeable about their host country’s language or willing to learn.
  • Candidates must demonstrate academic achievement as well as passions in areas like community service, arts, sports.
  • Exchange students embody qualities like open-mindedness, adaptability, leadership and independence.

Also apply for YES Program through which international students can study in USA

Benefits of Rotary Youth Exchange:

Here are some of the benefits for the program,

  • Learn a new language and immerse in a foreign culture
  • Develop global perspective and lifelong leadership skills
  • Build friendships across borders and gain an international networking support system
  • Strengthen communication, problem-solving and independence
  • Gain self-confidence through navigating a new environment

Type of Exchanges

Rotary exchanges can be different for each rotary district, generally there are two type of Rotary Exchanges,

Long-term Exchange

In long term rotary exchange students student live with multiple families and attend school for a full academic year.

Short-Term Exchange

The duration of the short term exchange can be from several days to three months. this type of exchange usually take place when school is not in session.


The deadline to apply differs in each district or country. Applications are often due between September-December for an exchange in the following academic year.

How To Apply

If you are leader in your school and community and 15-19 years old, You can contact your local rotary district about the application.

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