ETH Zurich Pioneer Fellowship Program

ETH Zurich Pioneer Fellowship Program

The ETH Zurich Pioneer Program of Fellowship Program is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurial-minded researchers and students to turn their innovative ideas into successful spin-offs. ETH Zurich offers two program, Deep-tech acceleration program and Social Impact Incubation program. Fellowship help students to develop their research-based technologies into marketable products and services. With a focus on bridging the public-private funding gap, the program provides essential tools and support to future spin-off founders, helping them to reach market and institutional investment readiness.

The duration of ETH Zurich Pioneer fellowship programs is from 10 to 18 months. The program is open to eligible master students and fixed-term scientific staff members of ETH Zurich, as well as those employed at EPFL or an ETH Domain Research Institution. Candidates must have a technology or software that originates from research at ETH Zurich or is associated with an intellectual property right of ETH Zurich. Additionally, candidates must demonstrate Proof of Concept (POC) for advanced engineering, ICT or Medtech projects or Biotech projects.

The ETH Zürich Pioneer Fellowship Social Impact Incubation Program supports entrepreneurial students and researchers in transforming their research-based technologies into market-ready products and services that positively impact society. The program focuses on helping the people living in low- and middle-income countries, where access to basic necessities like food, clean water, and healthcare is limited. And the Deep-Tech Incubation Program provides students and researchers with the resources and support they need to turn their research-based projects into market-ready products and services.

Fellowship Details

Host CountrySwitzerland
Host InstituteETH Zurich
Eligible CountriesAll in OECD DAC List
DeadlineSeptember 1, 2024
ETH Zurich Pioneer Fellowship Program

Eligible programs for the Pioneer Fellowship:

  • Master’s degree programs
  • Doctoral degree programs
  • Postdoctoral research positions
  • Established researcher positions (I and II)

Looking for more fellowship programs in Europe? You can also apply for EPFL Master Excellence Fellowship!

Eligibility Criteria for the Fellowship program:

Candidates must meet following required to be eligible to apply for the program,

  • Candidates must be eligible master students or fixed-term scientific staff members of ETH Zurich, or employed at EPFL or an ETH Domain Research Institution.
  • Candidates must have a technology or software that originates from research at ETH Zurich or is associated with an intellectual property right of ETH Zurich.
  • Candidates must demonstrate Proof of Concept (POC) for advanced engineering, ICT or Medtech projects, or in vitro validation with hit compounds for Biotech projects.
  • Candidates must be willing to provide scientific support and access to their laboratories and infrastructure.
  • Candidates must agree to grant access to all intellectual property rights related to the project technology that are relevant for commercialization by an ETH spin-off.

Fellowship Benefits:

ETH Zurich Pioneer Fellowship Program offer following benefits to the selected fellows,

  • Up to CHF 150’000 (gross) covering salaries, project-related costs, tuition fees, travel, etc.
  • Access to office and laboratory spaces
  • Networking and community events
  • Opportunity to participate in entrepreneurial education and business coaching
  • Support by host professors
  • Access to licensing terms for intellectual property

Also apply for Insight Fellowship Program With 30,000$ Funding for Conflict Management Program

Documents Required

  • A CV
  • Online online application is accepted
  • A financial plan
  • Summary of the project which gives an overview of the planned project in non-expert language.
  • A disclosure of potential conflicts.
  • A signed letter of support by the host professor
  • A 2 min. video clip showcasing the project and the motivation of the candidate.

Application Deadlines

There are two application rounds each year for the Pioneer Fellowship Deep-Tech Acceleration Program. Deadline for first round is March 1 and deadline for second round of application is 1st September 2024.

Apply Online

Interested candidates can apply online by visiting the link below.

Official link of the fellowship

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